On Jan 10, a group of activists of @fundacjaocalenie found an 18-year-old #Syrian boy in near-death condition in the forest near #Mielnik, reports OKO.press. He was in stage two of #hypothermia and suffered from #dehydration and #starvation . Around 3AM, he was taken to the hospital and the activists were able to provide him with some fresh clothing, food and hygiene products.
Around 7AM, the young boy – Ismal – disappeared from the hospital. As Homo Faber’s Anna Dąbrowska reported – a lawyer from @grupagranica confirmed that one of the #BorderPatrol units in Mielnik pushed Ismal back to #Belarus.
According to OKO.press, when the boy was found, the location was already swarmed by the army and the police. The paramedics rushed towards the boy immediately, as his entire body was convulsing. He was put on a stretcher and taken to the hospital.
The activists on site attempted to document the situation, but only managed to snap one picture before all their belongings, their phones and medical equipment (including the defibrillator), were seized by the soldiers. Their ID’s were checked and their car photographed. According to Fundacja Oclanie, the medical equipment has since been found in one of the Border Patrol units.
“The situation was quickly escalating. We kept repeating that we don’t feel safe. That we aren’t criminals. That providing help is completely legal. That our main point of focus should be looking for Ismal since his life and health are on the line.” - reported one of the activists.
Without help, the young boy won’t be able to survive at the border for much longer. The temperatures in the #Podlasie region can drop to -15 °C at night, which is deadly for someone in his condition.
As of now, the exact location of the sick minor is completely unknown. After the night in the hospital in #Siematycze, every trace of the boy has been lost. The Border Patrol refused to share any further information regarding his whereabouts or regarding who intervened that night and whether they were part of the border defence army.