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Yearly German 'Basic Rights Report' critcises the State's behaviour towards people from Afghanistan

Annika Wrona

Since 1997, a German civil rights organization has published the so-called #Grundrechte-Report (basic rights report) every year. It analyzes the current state of civil and #humanrights in #Germany. Long-term situations and recent happenings are included, and the report deals with around 40 different topics. Authors also call it an ‘alternative report of constitution protection.’⁣

This year, the fundamental rights report stated: that Germany’s way of treating #Afghans is #racist. Especially regarding the housing market and data privacy, they suffer from systemic discrimination. The basic rights of the Afghan people are not respected. This includes former Afghan local members of the German armed forces and refugees fleeing to Germany.⁣

In August 2021, when the armed forces left #Afghanistan, there were several difficult decisions, for example, regarding the evacuation of Afghans from #Kabul. Also, the structures for accommodating them were not efficient. In general, the report criticizes the wrong valuation of life circumstances in Afghanistan in the last few years. During procedures of granting or not granting asylum, reports of NGOs stating the dangerous conditions in the country had been ignored by the state.⁣

Afghans' treatment can also be seen as a symbol of the (far) right politics, which aim to close German and European borders. A legal system discriminating against people from Afghan is highly problematic. The war in #Ukraine shows that different behavior towards refugees is possible. This makes it even more precise how Afghans, among other non-Europeans, are mistreated.⁣


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