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Yazidi women after ISIS captivity

In August 2014, troops of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) conquered areas of Northern Iraq, using extreme brutality against religious minorities such as the Yazidis. The Yazidis represent a Kurdish minority. Most of them live in Northern Iraq.

Traumatic war experiences, like the ones the Yazidi had to undergo due to the attack of the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) in August 2014, are often followed by psychological consequences such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. A more detailed analysis of such specific survivor groups is needed, to develop and implement appropriate reparation and support measures. In this study, 194 Yazidi women were examined. PTSD was assessed using the Essen Trauma Inventory and depression using Beck’s Depression Inventory. The potential traumatic event and further influential factors were compared between participants with PTSD and those with PTSD and depression, using inferential statistics. Participants showed high rates in prevalence and comorbidity for PTSD and depression. Those diagnosed with comorbid PTSD and depression experienced a higher number of PTEs and had been captured more often and for longer compared to those with PTSD. The number of PTEs experienced was then used to predict comorbid PTSD and depression.

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